LATEST | Heartbreaking story on Connor Bedard sheds light on his true motivation

Felip Gosselin
May 5, 2023  (8:55 PM)

Connor Bedard's fate will be decided on May 8th once the lottery determines who will be drafting the super-skilled centerman. Bedard rocked every level he's played at so far, from the WHL to international competitions, he's ready to take the next step.

It seems like there isn't a thing Bedard can't accomplish and a story that just broke out points out his true motivations and it doesn't get any purer. Dan Robson of the Athletic shared a moving story on why the youngsters made it this far and what drives him to be the hockey phenom he's aspiring to be.
The story explains how the North-Vancouver native is now driven by his grandfather, who had been his biggest fan until he passed tragically in a crash. The younger Bedard got the call right after a game over the Swift Current Broncos:
''After the game, Paddock and coach Dave Struch brought Connor into an office where Tom, Melanie, and Madisen had called in on speakerphone. The team booked Connor the next flight at 6 a.m. the next day so he could join his family, but Connor balked. There was a game later that week and he intended to be there.

''Grandpa would want me to play'' he said.

Three nights later, Connor score an overtime goal to beat the division-leading Bradon Wheat Kings. As his Pats teammates swarmed the ice, Connor pumped his right fist and pointed to the sky. His eyes welled as he spoke about his grandfather to the media Zoom afterward.

''He's definitely who I play for now and will for the rest of my life'', Connor said. ''I know he's watching me.''

Connor Bedard broke record everywhere he's gone with that determination, will he keep it going as the game's highest-level?