The controversy revolves around Italian boxer Angela Carini, who conceded her match against Algerian boxer Imane Khelif after just 46 seconds and a single punch. Although Carini did not directly accuse Khelif of being anything other than a biological woman, it emerged that Khelif had failed a gender test in 2022 conducted by the International Boxing Association. The specifics and results of the test have not been publicly disclosed. Despite this, Khelif continued to compete in events throughout 2022 and 2023, leading up to the 2024 Olympics.
Price's remarks on the matter were made via social media, where she posted a picture of world-famous boxer Mike Tyson, photoshopped to appear more feminine, accompanied by a controversial caption:
Khelif has always competed as a woman and all publicly available information corroborates that she is a cisgender woman. Additionally, being transgender is illegal in Algeria, a country with strict laws regarding sexuality and identity. Many fans find it ironic that Price uses the phrase "common sense" in her commentary, as the available evidence suggests that Imane Khelif is indeed a woman and that the controversy is fueled by sensationalism rather than facts.